Before your teen goes off to college, these are our top 6 most imperative topics to discuss to prevent horrible consequences of dangerous drinking.
Helping Teens Cope with Social Distancing
Teens are social creatures by nature. Social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic might be especially difficult for them. Here are five ways that parents can help their older kids with the impact of the COVID-19 quarantine.
Alcohol and the COVID-19 pandemic
During the COVID-19 pandemic, increased alcohol sales and people using alcohol to manage their emotions puts people at risk for a number of reasons. Studies show that excessive alcohol use has a detrimental impact on the functioning of lungs, and more.
Smokers and Vapers May Be At Greater Risk for Covid-19
The coronavirus attacks the lungs, and smoking and vaping can exacerbate the risks associated with this disease, the risk of getting the virus and the risk of spreading the disease.
What is 420? Here’s what families need to know
What is 420? 420, 4:20, or 4/20 is slang in the cannabis culture for the consumption of marijuana that take place annually on April 20. Never has it been more important for parents to keep their children from vaping and using marijuana.
It’s Time to Re-Think Prevention
A recent national survey shows that among young people age 12 to 20 underage drinking and binge drinking have declined significantly over the past decade.
The Five A’s Of Parenting
Mike Nerney, a prevention specialist, makes the following recommendations to parents about strategies they can implement to keep their children safe.
Impact of Marijuana on Academic Achievement
Amelia M. Arria, Ph.D., from the University of Maryland School of Public Heath gave a compelling research-based presentation at the February, 2017 CADCA conference.